Dissertations, papers, presentations, and other scientific publications by E5 Coral.




Books and book chapters




Our scientific literary production through the years is detailed below, including bibliographic information (journal Impact Factor and quartile ranking Q), as well as the authorship of postdoc (*), graduate student (**) and undergraduate student (***) trainees.

Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Analysis Reveals a Conserved Epigenetic Response to Seasonal Environmental Variation in the Staghorn Coral Acropora cervicornis
Frontiers in Marine Science (IF = 4.91, Q1)
Rodríguez-Casariego J.**, Mercado-Molina A.E., Garcia-Souto D., Ortiz-Rivera I.M.***, Lopes C., Baums I.B., Sabat A.M., and J.M. Eirin-Lopez
Deciphering the enigma of the histone H2A.Z-1/H2A.Z-2 isoforms. Novel insights and remaining questions
Cells 9:1167 (IF = 5.66, Q1)
Cheema M.S., Soufari H., Kim B., O’Sullivan C., Good K.V., Freeman M.E., Stefanelli G., Rivera-Casas C.*, Zengeler K.E., Kennedy A.J., Eirin-Lopez J.M., Howard P.L., Zovkic I.B., Shabanowitz J., Dryhurst D.D., Hunt D.F., Mackereth C.D., and J. Ausio
Application of an improved chloroform-free lipid extraction method to staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) lipidomics assessments
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (IF = 1.74, Q3)
Lugo Charriez K.***, Lemos L.S., Carrazana Y., Rodriguez-Casariego J.A.**, Eirin-Lopez J.M., Hauser-Davis R.A., Gardinali P., and N. Soares Quinete

Editorial: Marine Environmental Epigenetics

Frontiers in Marine Science (IF = 4.91, Q1)
Eirin-Lopez J.M., and H. Putnam

Invertebrate methylomes provide insight into mechanisms of environmental tolerance and reveal methodological biases

Molecular Ecology Resources (IF = 7.09, Q1)
Trigg S.A., Venkataraman Y.R., Gavery M.R., Roberts S.B., Bhattacharya D., Downey-Wall A., Eirin-Lopez J.M., Johnson K.M., Lotterhos K.E., Puritz J.B., and H.M. Putnam H.M.

Coral environmental memory: Causes, mechanisms, and consequences for future reefs

Trends in Ecology and Evolution (IF = 17.71, Q1)
Hackerott S.H.**, Martell H.A., and J.M. Eirin-Lopez

Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat

Coral Reefs (IF = 3.6, Q1)
Becker D.M.**, Putnam H.M., Burkepile D.E., Adam T.C., Vega Thurber R. & N.J. Silbiger

Evolution of methyltransferase like (METTL) proteins in Metazoa: A complex gene family involved in epitranscriptomic regulation and other epigenetic processes

Molecular Biology and Evolution (IF = 16.24, Q1)
Wong J.*, and Eirin-Lopez J.M.

Coming in 2022

Coming in 2023

Coming in 2024

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