The E5 Coral team collaborates with peers worldwide to better understand the rules of life.

Living organisms are influenced by their environment, promoting changes in their phenotypes and function. These acclimatory changes within a lifetime are the consequence of alterations in genome function through epigenetic modifications, or changes in the way the instructions found in DNA are interpreted, without changes in the DNA bases. It is still unclear, however, how environmental signals are transduced into the epigenome, affecting ecological and evolutionary outcomes. This project uses symbiotic, metabolically complex reef-building corals as a model system to test the connections between the environment, energetics, and epigenetics.

A world-class team of scientists

Jill Ashey

Putnam Lab

Danielle Becker

Putnam Lab

Dr. Alexandra Brown

UC Santa Barbara Coral Epigenetics

Dennis Conetta

Putnam Lab

Ross Cunning

Dr. Ross Cunning

PI Cunning Lab

A. Raine Detmer

UC Santa Barbara Coral Epigenetics

Dr. Jose M. Eirin-Lopez

PI Environmental Epigenetics Lab

Serena Hackerott

Environmental Epigenetics Lab

Dr. Ariana Huffmyer

Putnam Lab

Dr. Ferdinand Pfab

UC Santa Barbara Coral Epigenetics

Dr. Holly Moeller

PI UC Santa Barbara Coral Epigenetics

Dr. Roger Nisbet

PI UC Santa Barbara Coral Epigenetics

Dr. Hollie Putnam

PI Putnam Lab

Dr. Steven Roberts

PI Roberts Lab

Emma Strand

Putnam Lab

Dr. Juliet Wong

Environmental Epigenetics Lab

Dr. Javier Rodriguez-Casariego

Dr. Javier Rodriguez-Casariego

Environmental Epigenetics Lab

Principal Investigators


Graduate Students




Support Team